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Tuesday, October 25, 2016

The Debate!

This topic on "The Debate" is one of the matter at hand. Not just the infamous presidential one that's looming largely over the United States, but its counterpart. The question here is, is the filming industry under siege? We have seen some of the same movies redone over and over. If not so, then go back to the 1970's, 80's, & 90's. Then take a look at some of the films that are shot today. Are we lacking originality? We must go against the grain and find our true sense of inspiration and creativity. Then produce the masterpiece films that I know we as writers are capable of. Let's borrow from the past, but not so much to the point that we are building from the same platform. Be different. Alter your presence. Get creative and insightful. I mean, not all movies are reconstructed the same even if they are seamlessly redundant. Some of them are very fun to watch. What I'm saying here is that we should not only borrow from the past, but let's add our own spice to the creative minds that may have paved the way for us. I give thanks to every writer that has written before me, because they have either shown us the way as creators and as artists. Let's perfect our craft so that we can inspire others after us to be great.

Whenever there's a touchy subject in any script that goes against the world's thinking, then we have to find a way to get that message across without sounding to forceful. Things have to be done with ease of transition into the matter. Although sometimes the direct approach does work. Let's just say, for example. The topic on terrorism. This topic has been the cornerstone of America's biggest movement.
It's not one that can be taken lightly, but one that must be acted upon in a direct measure. With this type of response to the matter the military has to move quickly, efficiently, and tactful. Hence the latter word. With that said, let's take a look at how one can be tactful with a message. Simplicity is the best way. Get to the basics of the message, and implement it with slow change. For example, we take a look at Obama-Care. It was instituted to help those in need of health care and was ultimately offered to anyone for a reasonably low funded amount. This change was direct, but gained traction slowly. It is a prime example of tactfulness.

If we wrote our scripts, books, storyboards, and spoke with these kind of diplomatic principles behind not only our words, but our actions, then I'm a firm believer that America and "The Debate would be a heck of a lot smoother.

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The Debate!

This topic on "The Debate" is one of the matter at hand. Not just the infamous presidential one that's looming largely over the United States, but its counterpart. The question here is, is the filming industry under siege? We have seen some of the same movies redone over and over. If not so, then go back to the 1970's, 80's, & 90's. Then take a look at some of the films that are shot today. Are we lacking originality? We must go against the grain and find our true sense of inspiration and creativity. Then produce the masterpiece films that I know we as writers are capable of. Let's borrow from the past, but not so much to the point that we are building from the same platform. Be different. Alter your presence. Get creative and insightful. I mean, not all movies are reconstructed the same even if they are seamlessly redundant. Some of them are very fun to watch. What I'm saying here is that we should not only borrow from the past, but let's add our own spice to the creative minds that may have paved the way for us. I give thanks to every writer that has written before me, because they have either shown us the way as creators and as artists. Let's perfect our craft so that we can inspire others after us to be great.

Whenever there's a touchy subject in any script that goes against the world's thinking, then we have to find a way to get that message across without sounding to forceful. Things have to be done with ease of transition into the matter. Although sometimes the direct approach does work. Let's just say, for example. The topic on terrorism. This topic has been the cornerstone of America's biggest movement.
It's not one that can be taken lightly, but one that must be acted upon in a direct measure. With this type of response to the matter the military has to move quickly, efficiently, and tactful. Hence the latter word. With that said, let's take a look at how one can be tactful with a message. Simplicity is the best way. Get to the basics of the message, and implement it with slow change. For example, we take a look at Obama-Care. It was instituted to help those in need of health care and was ultimately offered to anyone for a reasonably low funded amount. This change was direct, but gained traction slowly. It is a prime example of tactfulness.

If we wrote our scripts, books, storyboards, and spoke with these kind of diplomatic principles behind not only our words, but our actions, then I'm a firm believer that America and "The Debate would be a heck of a lot smoother.

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Monday, October 3, 2016

The real issues America face

The real is at hand that Americans face are not from the outside world. It is strictly from within. With so many foreigners able to join the US military, I feel that we face more internal problems than we do from outsiders. My take on this stems from the diverse cultures within the US military that are given the opportunity to fight for this country. How can we fight other countries when we have enlisted soldiers from those ethnic backgrounds. Such as Spanish, Haitian, Africans, possibly even Middle Eastern people serving in the US military. It's crazy. Mostly because of the fact that even if you are American born and a US citizen you are still able to serve in our military. How can they be trusted. The internal fact of our technology and defense is being compromised. This is a pressing issue. One that needs to be addressed. We need only American soldiers in our military. That way, our information and secrets are not stolen. United we stand, divided we fall. There is way too much division within our military and our country in todays living. This needs to be fixed or else this country will suffer severely. These are only my opinions and not facts. But ones that I feel need to be properly discussed at hand. The best way to do this is to have an open dialogue with our government and it's policies. I myself have never fought in the military, mainly because of this issue. How can I fight with them and the guy next to me is from another ethnic background or of another decent? This boggles me. It should boggle the minds of those enlisted. The military of the US is flawed. The only thing good about it is the medical benefits. Other than that, the soldiers that go off to serve and fight for this country have nothing to fall back on when they are released or resign from their service. We even let people that are not leaders in no way, run our country and its politics. This is truly going to be the fall of a great country. The United States.